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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wes Callihan and 'What is real education?'

Dear Parents,

As a number of you may have heard or read, tomorrow night at 7:00 Wesley Callihan will be speaking at the Roseburg Country Club. His topic is "What is Real Education?" and he'll be outlining some of the differences between public schooling, private schooling. Part of his focus will be why we need distinctly Christian schooling.

If you can fit his talk into your Friday plans, I think you'll be encouraged and uplifted during the evening. Since 1997, he has been educating hundreds of high school students in church history, the Great Books, classical languages, and other scintillating subjects in his online teaching program 'Schola Tutorials.' Mr. Callihan also has a great perspective on the revival of Christian education this country is seeing, and has immense personal experience by being a Christian teacher himself.

If you can come, please try to bring a friend or another family you know might be interested. We'd love to have the Roseburg Country Club packed out.

Also, my apologies for sending this email out so late in the game.

Blessings in Christ,

Luke Nieuwsma

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

7th grade supply list and Secondary Orientation Night (Sept 2nd, 7:00)

Dear 7th grade parents,

I hope you are all doing fantastically well and looking forward to school starting in a couple weeks! I've attached a list of supplies for the 7th graders; please purchase these and have them ready for your child by the first day of class (Tuesday, September 8th).

Also, there will be a Secondary Orientation Meeting at 7:00 pm, Wednesday, September 2nd, at the school in the 7th grade room. If both spouses could plan on attending this, that would be wonderful because there are several important items I'd like to discuss with you regarding curriculum and other academic issues which particularly apply to the Logic stage students (different expectations, methods, standards of behavior, etc). Please bring the informational packet which Mrs. Sieker handed out at the picnic, including the Secondary Curriculum Prospectus.

Also, I'll be posting the emails and updates I send out to parents on the Prayer Rock Academy Bulletin blog, If you ever can't find an email and need to refresh your memory about an upcoming event, you should be able to find the original announcement at that link.

Thanks much, and may God bless your day.